Congratulations to swimmer Diana Nyad on her successful Cuba to Florida crossing. Diana’s success came on her fourth attempt at the age of 64. Emerging from the water at Key West on September 2, 2013, Diana is reported to have told waiting TV crews: “I have three messages: one is we should never ever give up; two is you are never too old to chase your dreams; and three is it looks like a solitary sport but it is a team.” After three previous unsuccessful attempts, this dream may have seemed impossible but Diane never gave up chasing her dream. Diane is the first person to swim from Cuba to the US without a shark cage. Whatever your dream, and however impossible is seems, today’s message is: dream the impossible dream then make it happen.
Author Archives: Paul Ward
Conversations on Aging
At 2Young2Retire, we are all about conversations that matter in the second half of life. Changing the conversation around aging is one of Karen Sand’s missions and her recent post on the multiple conversations on aging is well worth a read. Karen talks about conversations with ourselves, with our own generation, and with multiple generations. Convening these conversations is the work of 2Young2Retire facilitators. To read Karen’s article, go to:
Baby boomer suicides on the increase
Increasing suicide rates among baby boomers has been widely reported in the press this week. Rather than analyzing the causes of the increase, my thoughts went to how the 2young2retire® community help those affected by suicidal thoughts and those left behind after such a tragic end.
Much of the work of 2young2retire® facilitators is in creating small communities for connection and conversation. Conversations can be about careers, health, financial matters, travel, relationships, or any other topic of interest. Members of the group can select the topic. Reflecting on the past is interesting but looking forward with purpose can stimulate positive thinking and new directions. We all face challenges in our lives but what can we do to help those in greatest need, those who think life is simply not worth living, find something positive?
Reach out to someone today. Create a conversation that matters between two people or a larger group and stimulate some positive thinking.
2Young2Retire Facilitator Certification
Martin Bayne, the voice of aging boomers
Happy Thanksgiving and The Cure
I always knew The Cure as an English rock band originally formed close to my home town in Southern England but now I have learned “The cure is …” a transformational movie not only for those of us too young to retire® but for all ages. This transformational film experience is about how every human body is brilliantly designed for vitality and longevity. It provides inspiration on many levels and many of the important aspects of positive aging such as health, nutrition, and spirituality. Even Napoleon Hill, author of the best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich, makes an appearance reminding us of the natural law he describes as: “What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”
Another reminder in the movie and the three accompanying shorts is about the importance of love. In the season of gratitude, love yourself and everyone. Start by sending love your own way today.
So in addition to wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving, I encourage you to find out what the cure is… Cut and paste this link into your browser:!/deployment_code=16589227mdswr1
Paul G Ward, Principal, 2Young2Retire
Celebrating Dr. Leila Denmark
Leila Denmark’s passing last week has been well reported in the news media. Dr. Leila, 114 years old when she died, was world’s oldest practicing physician when she gave up her practice at 103 years of age. Dr. James Hutcherson, one of Dr. Leila’s grandsons, is reported to have said, “She absolutely loved practicing medicine more than anything else in the world. She never referred to practicing medicine as work.”
“You keep on doing what you do best, as long as you can,” Denmark told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “I enjoyed every minute of it for more than 70 years. If I could live it over again, I’d do exactly the same thing.”
Dr. Leila Denmark is a wonderful role model for all of us who are Too Young To Retire®. We celebrate the life of this exceptional physician.
2young2retire Facilitator Certification Training
New blog posts will be coming soon but, in the mean time, we wanted to let you know that the next 2young2retire Facilitator Certification Tele-training has been scheduled to begin the first week of April. If you or anyone you know would like additional information, please contact us via the 2young2retire link on the left of your screen.